Tuesday, November 05, 2013

The Y-chromosome

I have written many posts on girls and women and how to emancipate them, blah blah... but since November (or Movember) is guys' month, I decided to write about men for a change. It will be very bad if from my other articles, people think that I kind of brand guys as mean or hateful. They are surely not so. Here's to the people in my life with the Y-chromosome. They also come in various relations, from father and uncles, husband, brother, brother-in-law, mischievous friends and classmates from South Point High School, equally mischievous friends from CIEM, crazy guys the world over at UAB, peers and managers at work, neighbors, teachers, cops who were my driving instructors... a bunch of men from all over the world who mean a lot to me!

When I see little boys playing (we have dozens of little boys in the neighborhood) it feels so strange and different to what we played with as kids. These boys are always play-fighting, they are running around with crossbows and guns, killing aliens and dinosaurs...I don't know it's so very different! One of my neighbor who has three boys said it's about one or more of the following things that his kids are interested in - cars, guns and dinosaurs! That's it! Now compare it to a girl - pink shimmery things, rhinestones, Hello Kitty, Princess Sophia or at least playing keep house, dressing up, tending to the teddies and attending tea parties! They are so different and that is the fun part.

An honest and hardworking guy is a great thing to have in your life. Girls, there are so many guys in your life who make you feel special - the brother who taught you to play cricket or the uncle who listened to all the silly stories you made up, the father with whom you first mowed your lawn, the grandfather who spoilt you with as many candies you wanted, the firefighter who came to help you when your office caught fire, the coworker who mentored you when you took on a challenging project, they all make the society a better place to live at. They love us, they care for us, they motivate us and as a whole enrich our lives with their silly pranks, heroic deeds, gentleness and companionship. Cherish the people with Y-chromosome, they are great :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

men and women are meant to create the world and make it run TOGETHER - they are two parts of a WHOLE.It this is kept in mind, there will not be any problem of adjustment.