Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reasons to adopt a pet

Well, I am in the pet mode now as you can well understand.

5 reasons to adopt a cat:
1. There's nothing softer or fluffier than a well groomed cat. So petting a cat is a relaxing and fun thing to do.
2. Ever had a purring cat sleep on your lap? That's one of the things I like most. (Also, better on cold days.)
3. Watch a cat play with catnip. Just wouldn't know how you spent half an hour.
4. If you wake up at the middle of the night and see a warm fuzzy thing by your side, or on your pillow, wouldn't it be awesome?
5. The curiosity with which they explore cabinets, places under the bed and kitchen corners is amazing. The sheer attitude they show in every step is a must learn for humans!

5 reasons to adopt a dog:
1. The way in which a dog looks at you would make you a different person, as you'll want to live up to what he thinks you are.
2. Discipline, faithfulness, routine and obeying commands. Can't we learn a couple things from them?
3. They are so easily amused and are happy souls, wanting to please us all the time. I bet our family don't want to please us as much as they do.
4. You'll get to walk/run twice a day with your dog.
5. Those puppy eyes....I can spend my days just looking at them!

Oh, by the way... I said these are reasons to adopt a pet. Please don't buy pets, adopt them!


Fiddlesticks said...

Poor girlie :(.. hope the anxiety wears off with the affection she will get from you guys, otherwise your two other children will sit on her, it seems.. beautiful eyes

bhut said...

Reason for adopting a dog er 1st point e hi-5, hi-5... jara oi drishti eriye giye oder hit korte pare are criminal-hearted...

Reea said...

Ami to oi jonyei ASPCA der member. Shoyetan lokder ASPCA ra dhore ar jail e bhore daye. Kodin agei ekta bari theke duto na khete paoya kukur rescued holo, tara adopted o hoye geche ekhon. Kheye deye lyaj fapiye royeche.