Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just a note

Just wondering at the peculiarity of the species called humans. One one hand we have these heinous acts of terrorism, on the other hand we have heroes in everyday situations. Thinking of those who have helped the Boston victims anonymously. When the terrorists strike common civilians, killing them without any fault of theirs, these heroes show up. They come to help, to comfort and to show compassion, without asking for anything in return.

The Boston event reminded me once again of 9/11, the London blasts and 26/11 attack in Mumbai. Once again I thought about those people from every walk of life who have helped the victims. Those who even sacrificed their lives in helping others, fire fighters, police officers... those men who were last seen on the 78th floor diligently continuing their rounds in WTC trying to find people stuck in the debris... they leave the ray of hope burning.

Just like Rabindranath said, I will not commit the crime of losing faith in humankind. These people let me keep that hope alive. I believe one day the evil will be vanquished and we will rise again from the burned debris like a Phoenix with a new life.

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