Thursday, November 12, 2015

Stop getting offended

Recently, being politically correct is a huge thing because apparently people are getting offended by everything! At my previous workplace we were not allowed to put up a Christmas tree because it might offend people of other religions (though I personally don't know of a single person who said he/she will be offended by a harmless tree). We were not allowed to write "Christmas spirit" in a poster created for a toy drive, we had to write "holiday cheer". Public schools are trying to ban the word God from everything. On the other hand, a poor red paper cup has created a turmoil because Starbucks decided to do away with the holiday symbols and go with a solid color.

If you really understood what Jesus taught, a red cup wouldn't be able to shake your faith. I think that if a certain paper cup has the ability to fluster you, then you need to introspect and rethink about your relationship with God. Same goes for all those people who are offended by other people's religious beliefs. I went to a Catholic school. I had tons of classmates who were Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh and Jain. We all attended the prayer every morning and recited the Lord's prayer. None of our family got offended. None of them kicked up any row that we are being "converted" and till date, I guess all of us have a wonderful relationship with Jesus (even if we still belong to other religions). We celebrated Eid with our Muslim friends, got gifts from them and their moms sent all the amazing food for us to share. In Calcutta, since Durga Pujo is a big event, my friends from all religions and cultures enjoyed it with us. It is so silly to get offended and stay in your own bubble when you can go and enjoy all sorts of festivals with all sorts of friends.

Human beings, here's my plea to you - please stop looking at everything through a lens of politically correctness. If you truly have that much extra energy, go spend it on something worthwhile. There are major issues in the world that would appreciate your help. Go fix the Syrian refugee problem, or go help provide food and medicine in Afghanistan. Find a way to bring water in Africa in the summer heat. Find a solution to controlling population in Asia. And if you can't do any of these, then keep your mouth shut and don't add to the problems already existing in the world.

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