Saturday, November 08, 2014

A season of introspection

I went on my first fall hike this afternoon and realized that like everything, trails show a special beauty in this season. With the early dusk, overcast skies and trees shedding the extra, I feel this is a season of melancholy, of turning inwards. As I looked up on Wikipedia about fall, I read these specific lines - "Autumn in poetry has often been associated with melancholy. The possibilities of summer are gone, and the chill of winter is on the horizon. Skies turn grey, and many people turn inward, both physically and mentally." Just to mention, I read it after I had my thoughts. That means this is a common realization of all people. 

I wouldn't say that this season makes me depressed, but it is true that I tend to introspect more than I would do in summer. Spring and summer are all about being active. There are so many things to do, new life springs up with the tulips, daffodils and Easter lilies. If seasons could have characters, I think fall would be the introvert one.

Just like everyone don't like introverts, there are many people who do not like fall. Yes, at first it does look very depressing (to add to it is the time change by falling back one hour), the sudden chill brings a lot of colds and coughs, but if we take a deeper look we will see how beautiful and romantic this season is. If spring is about new lovers, Valentine's Day and dreams of "living happily ever after", then fall is about thinking of lost loves or of those people who could never become ours. 

This is also the time to be grateful. With Thanksgiving coming up, it doesn't do bad to count one's blessings. Especially if you are prone to feeling depressed in fall, this is a good antidote. Write down one thing you are thankful for, every day and you would see that the fact that we are alive should be reason enough for us to be thankful for. 

Bring out your fleece blankets, warm socks, find out some nice crockpot recipes, get a cup of coffee and curl up with a book. While sitting on my chaise and reading a book, I pause and look out to the back yard...and is fun to enjoy every day as it comes and try to be the greatest extrovert, but at times it is nice to question and find answers within my own self too...

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