Wednesday, August 13, 2014


There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don't. If you fall into the "don't category" then let me just tell you, the title means 30 in decimal. That's because I turned 30 today.

I was asking myself, how does it feel to get into the third decade, but for some reason I couldn't sense anything different. I can still remember my second birthday party with ease. For that matter I remember all of my birthday cakes till date. I can still comfortably fit into a dungaree which I got in seventh grade and a top from eleventh grade and most importantly, my likes and dislikes have stayed the same. Other than learning some new things, I don't see myself changing.

The things that mattered to me, still does matter and the ones that didn't will never do. I am certain of that. I don't have any chances of spending money over designer clothes or a lot of cosmetics. Nor would I care for a sports car. However, the things that got instilled in me will stay there. Hopefully those are the virtuous things :) Another thing will be there, which is about making mistakes while calculating powers of 10. For some reason I can't manage to get rid of it.

I won't say I have a lot of past yet, but I see the past building up in my old journals or in nostalgic Facebook posts by my friends. However, there is a lot to dream about and a lot to make happen. There is one thing I should say that is getting different from my earlier years, that is I used to dream but now I am finding ways how to make those dreams work. They say, it takes as much effort to plan as to wish. I am using that time to plan.

There is so much to do and so little time in the human life. So much to know, so much to experience. Only one thing got checked off my bucket list so far. I will have to work through the rest. Building dreams and planning the way to reach them. And on the way I get to meet people, learn to do new things, gain experiences and cherish the good stuff!

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