Thursday, December 19, 2013


Even for the most internally motivated person, there comes times when some amount of inspiration infused from the outer world seems to do good. It does for me... I take up many challenges, some are of that magnitude which requires me to come a lot out of my regular life (comfort zone) but it is in my nature and I like myself for that. However, commitments really start to fade the motivation out of you when you start facing the practicalities of life. That is the time when the added inspiration keeps you on track. I turn to songs, poetry and biographies for this and there are a few people whose lives and works never ever fail to accelerate me in my path. This article is going to be a thanksgiving to these people for helping me keep doing the things which at times sap my energy out.

Swamiji, Vidyasagar, Nazrul and Netaji. If these people cannot inspire someone then I have a big doubt who can...

Sometimes the inhibition to get up and do something comes from inside. That is when I can't find any energy and feel like a total slacker. Then I think about the work that is left to do and how little time the entire human lifespan is to finish those. Luckily, nowadays I am getting better at this and I don't really waste any time doing *nothing*. It is easier to control my own self than trying to control others. The next problem is worse. That is when I try to do something but other things come in the way, be it people with their negative mentalities, damp blankets who just can't be motivated to do something or worse still work cultures (read the lack of it) that always tend to procrastinate tasks.

I have seen that in small scale when whatever cause you ask people to come out and help with, they don't. You ask them to foster kittens, they say - I don't have space. You ask them to teach kids, they say - I don't have time or it won't work that way. Then you say, ok donate some money to help homeless animals, they say - I would have done if it was for homeless people.... or they finally give you a tiny amount saying "can't afford much, I recently did this this and this and I don't have much money to spend" and then you see them posting on Facebook the designer clothes they have bought. I have asked myself countless times - why am I spending my time and energy on these things? Honestly, it is very stressful. What would these actions bring me? The kittens I fostered never would thank me. The babies who receive my crocheted blankets would never know me. The wildlife I try to protect doesn't have any idea of my existence. Then why? That is when I think the people I mentioned above talk to me through their writings and biographies. Vidyasagar never fought for educating girls thinking about how or if we would ever thank him. My current life has been enriched by him, but that by no means did bring any good to him. Netaji didn't fight for his own freedom. He could have become an ICS and led a life of luxury. He fought for OUR freedom, for a country which has shamelessly forgotten him within six decades. 

I have recently taken up another endeavor of teaching English to some middle school kids in an orphanage in rural Bengal. I think this is a test of my patience. It is disappointing when you hear them saying - oh yes we will do it for sure - and then nothing is done! Then I think that just to get Skype up I am facing this, what hurdles did Netaji have to overcome when he motivated Indians to come join the Azad Hind Fauj! That is when Nazrul's lines like - 

কাণ্ডারী! তুমি ভুলিবে কি পথ? ত্যজিবে কি পথ মাঝ?
করে হানাহানি, তবু চল টানি, নিয়াছ যে মহা ভার.. suddenly start making more sense than they did in my school days.

It is not easy, definitely not. The more you think, the more problems you uncover. The more you will find out about deplorable inhuman conditions that people live in. It makes me feel terrible and on top of that since I can't really do anything magical to bring free education to everyone, send all kids to school or spay/neuter all stray animals, I really does bother me a lot. But I do need to keep my focus and keep on doing as much as I can... call it serving my fellowmen following what Christ told us to, sharing what I have (knowledge, wealth, positive thoughts) or Swamiji's Karmayoga, I don't care. What I care about is physically doing something myself that will bring about some positive changes. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

tomar realization hoyechhe aar tumi thik pothe egochho - e shob i enader ashirbad bole dhore nao. egie cholo - tomar moto kore.