Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Home decor made (real) simple

From the time I walked into a just-drywalled house I started thinking of how to make that thing our "home". It took a lot of planning, drafting sketches, flipping through home decor magazines and tireless walks along the home section of supermarkets to come up with something according to both of our satisfaction. It doesn't take a lot of money or effort to decorate your house, little ideas can make a big difference!

A warm welcome

The front door, porch or entryway is the first impression of your house. A nice hanging on the front door or a cozy set of furniture on the porch is sure to extend a warm welcome to visitors and residents alike.  I love seasonal decorations (I'll come to those details later) so I always have a seasonal stuff hanging on the front door - a floral wreath in summer, small scarecrows saying good harvest for fall, simple things like that. For entryway, I prefer to have it snug and warm. We have a Tibetan sandalwood candle burning there in the evenings with a statue of Lord Buddha in meditation. The effect is very peaceful and calming when you come home after a long, tiring day.

Be bold

Accent walls in bold colors can not just brighten up a room, it can also break the monotony of similar looking walls. Washington remains cloudy for most of the year, so we chose to paint two of our living room walls in bright red in contrast to the other two light creamish walls. The white wood of the mantle looks very bright in the red background. If you don't want to make one wall stand out like that consider painting two walls with one shade and the other two a little darker or lighter than those. That also looks pretty.

Remember your roots

If you love your family and friends, show that! It is very nice to see family photographs displayed in beautiful frames. Some people prefer to use the wall by the side of the staircase as a gallery. A friend of mine has actually done that and it looks very nice. Two things to make sure though - do not overcrowd and keep in mind the line of sight of an average human! I have used a part of the living room wall for it and that works well for me too.

Light a candle

Candles have a wonderful soothing look. I don't know of anyone who doesn't like candles. Those tiny things can change the entire look of a place. Nowadays with the scented ones it's really difficult not to put one in every room. I generally have candles matching the colors of the rooms. One place where I really, truly love them are as centerpieces. Let me tell a little about centerpieces and seasonal decoration here. A candle smelling of sweet cinnamon pumpkin might not be very appropriate in summer because we normally associate colors and smells with seasons. So, stick to the seasons as much as possible. It will help you relax.

Homemade things
There's nothing more beautiful than handmade items. Frame pictures that you have painted or photographs you took. Keep that throw that you knitted on the couch or the little fleece blanket you made for your cats. Homemade things have an extra warmth to add to your home.

What else can you personalize more other than your own house? My aunt always arranges candles or vases in odd numbers. That's her style. You can also create your own style of folding napkins or arranging accent pillows. Going a little off track can produce very creative results but you have to be very confident about it. If you are not so sure about your creativity, stick to the basics. It's better to be less creative than put up something which looks hillarious. (I have seen stuff like that in some houses!)

Decorating a house is a continuous activity. There's no end to it. Cherish every moment of it and enjoy what you create!