Monday, October 24, 2011


I wonder why fall is my favorite season... apparently there's nothing beautiful in the gloomy days that become dark quite early. The flowers in my yard are all withering away, the grass is soppy all the time due to this endless Washington drizzle... it's kinda depressing, isn't it?

Well no! Not just that. Last year when I was raking fall leaves in my yard I realized how many shades of yellows, oranges (my favorite color) and reds you can see in the dead fall leaves. Aren't these all warm shades? Fall, in spite of its gloominess has a warmth to it. That's what is amazing. When I think of this season, the first thing I see in my mind is our living room, candles lit on the coffee table and on the mantlepiece - smelling of sweet cinnamon pumpkin. A warm yellow glow around the house, made snug with the plush blankies!

This is the time to come home, be with the family. When it's cold and dark outside, get together to carve some pumpkins, decorate the house with fall branches and foliage, or just get a mug of hot coffee and curl up with your favorite book. Happy Halloween and Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Kuntala said...

Fall amaro favourite. tomakeo happy holidays janai Sayari.